The Catalina Dance Weekend is happening!!
November 14-16, 2025!
Registration of $345 covers dancing, lodging, food, and a ferry to and from the island. There is an option to pay a $100 deposit in order to hold your spot, and pay the remaining balance before October 15th.
Please note that cancellations prior to October 15th will receive a full refund and cancellations after October 15th are subject to a $45 administrative fee.
An all inclusive experience, rustic Fox Landing camp has bunk beds in both hard sided cabins and soft sided villas with nearby bath houses. All food is provided, with accommodations for dietary needs available. Light snacks will be provided throughout the day, in addition to dinner Friday, three meals Saturday, and two meals on Sunday.
The first four weekends (2018, 2019, 2023, and 2024) of CDW drew dancers from 20+ states and three countries! Part of the reason we are able to foster a geographically diverse dance community is because of our Youth and Travel Scholarship Fund. If you are able to contribute, and support young dancers or dancers traveling from afar, please consider donating via PayPal, Venmo, or check.
Dancing will take place inside the dining hall on a homemade sprung floor built on pool noodles (check out this video for an example)!
"Need a vacation to a place where you have an ocean-front cabin surrounded by scenic beauty, all inclusive meals and beautiful weather? No need to go to Fiji. Save thousands of dollars and go to Catalina Dance Weekend with the added bonus of contra dancing with your friends to outstanding talent."
-2018 CDW Attendee